Evelyn Rubio, a TBE Fave
2024-05-01T17:37:47-05:00Evelyn Rubio is a TBE fave... Whether she's on the microphone or the saxophone, you can be sure it's chock-full of Soul.
Evelyn Rubio is a TBE fave... Whether she's on the microphone or the saxophone, you can be sure it's chock-full of Soul.
Alan Haynes is a guitarist of subtle intensity, intricate dynamics and tonal imagination, who astounds his audience at every performance.
Happy Birthday, Robert Taylor! Joining him in the festivities are Albert Storo & Scott Starry on guitars, Larry Evans, bass and Willie McCullen, drums.
"The indomitable spirit, retro-soul phenom & ATX's 'Mr. Monday Night' - Brian Scartocci is a musical force of nature, plain and simple."
Five world-class Bluesmen... Mark Hummel- harp, Anson Funderburgh and Johnny Cat Soubrand- guitars, Ted Bowkowski- bass and Wes Starr- drums
" The Octanes", hailing from Austin, Texas are one of America's premier roots/rockabilly bands.
Ruben Moreno is young, intense and determined to take Zydeco in new directions.
Shawn Allen is a musical powerhouse and impresario. Shawn Allen's Blues, Funk & Soul Revue appears Saturday, April 6th.
"Josh is our next generation with an old soul and he's playing it with his heart. That's what we need more of today." -KENNY NEAL
Alan Haynes... Tone Poet of the Guitar. Alan Haynes appears Saturday, March 30.