Tom McLendon, beloved owner of The Big Easy Social and Pleasure Club, wishes to let the Houston blues community, and other friends, know that he suffered a major heart attack a couple of weeks ago.

He was admitted to hospital, where a superb medical team stabilized him and subsequently replaced a heart valve and performed triple bypass surgery.

Thankfully, he survived the procedure (did anyone ever doubt he would?), and is recuperating well, although it will be a long road to full recovery.

To that end, Tom requests that all comments be posted to the Big Easy website or his own Facebook page.  Mail should be sent to The Big Easy, 5731 Kirby Drive, Houston, TX 77005.

Tom is adamant that he desires  privacy during his recuperation, which includes no visitors until further notice. He appreciates your understanding, and will reach out when the time is right.Please join me in sending him our very best wishes.

Glyn Westcott commented:  As a smiling foot note and testament to Tom’s quick wit under significant duress, when we  discussed  publication of the news, he confirmed that he wanted me to compose this notice, then immediately quipped that he really didn’t want me to be his ghost writer…!